June 19, 2013 I came across Ron Finley thanks to the wonderful program on NPR's Ted Radio Hour called " Giving It Away" . It is full of wonderful stories of people who gave their time and energy to something bigger than themselves but not necessarily, something glamorous. They brought change the best way they know how. There are so many wonderful quotes for a Geeta lover - it is easy to connect these to the topic of Yajña spirit (cooperative endeavor for a higher cause) and generosity (दान). I can't resist quoting verbatim from the NPR program. RAZ is Guy Raz , the NPR presenter of the TED Radio Hour. RAZ: And his garden, it's literally in front of his house, on the sidewalk, open to the public 24/7. No formal invitation required. And in the beginning, the idea of a community garden on the sidewalk in South Central was so strange that his neighbors would mock him. They'd call him ... FINLEY: Ronny Appleseed. RAZ: Ronny Appleseed. FINLEY : I remember this ti...
An exploration of what the Gita means for us in our daily lives. With frequent reflection, Krishna's wisdom in the Gita can come alive in our daily lives. We'll also look at how the Gita is handled in contemporary media, movies, sport, etc.
निराशीर्निर्ममो भूत्वा युध्यस्व विगतज्वरः | Without expectation, ego or excitement, fight!