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A Letter on Yagna or Selfless Work by The Master Himself

December 12, 2012

In Geeta 3-10, Śrī Kṛṣṇa states:
सहयज्ञाः प्रजाः सृष्ट्वा पुरोवाच प्रजापतिः |
अनेन प्रसविष्यध्वमेष वोऽस्त्विष्टकामधुक् ||३-१०||

At the beginning (of creation), having created mankind, together with sacrifices, The PRAJAPATI (the Creator),said, "by this shall you prosper; let this be the milch-cow of your desire - "Kāmadhuk" (the mythological cow which yields all desired objects).

I came across a wonderful letter by Param Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayanandaji in my personal collection. Pujya Gurudev always referred to his public Geeta talks as Geeta Gnana Yagna borrowing from verse 4-33 in which Śrī Kṛṣṇa declares that Gnana Yagna is superior to any form of material Yagna. He also referred to the process of organizing the Yagna as an exercise in working in the Yagna spirit as in the verse above.

Pujya Gurudev constantly guided us (the organizers) with boundless compassion, yet was always insistent on high quality planning to ensure that the audience be able to listen to the teaching in quietude and concentration. He was generous in his praise of the workers and constantly inspired us to keep in mind that we were to keep in mind always that we were serving the Lord and the people.

I am thrilled to present a scanned copy of the message written by Gurudev in his own handwriting on January 2, 1984 (you can click on the thumbnails to enlarge the letter). I have also included a transcription of the letter below. In His message, Pujya Gurudev discussed how dedicated work a team of workers (volunteers)"becomes (the) Lord's own expression. Success alone must rise from it."
As one of the youth organizers working in communications during that First International Spiritual Camp and Geeta Gnana Yagna, I was the fortunate one to receive the concluding message from Him. Recalling those days, I echo Sanjaya's phrase मुहुर्मुहुः (Geeta 18-76), "I rejoice again and again."

Transcipt of the letter:
Though it all started as a mere midsummer fancy in a car-drive, and I enthusiastically accepted the rash suggestion of Srichand and appointed him as Secretary General on that very day in 1981, I never thought that it would grow up into an actual fact in life.

A true and selfless SANKALPA when rises in an individual's heart, and when that sankalpa is consistently worked out by a disciplined team of workers, it becomes Lord's own expression. Success alone must rise from it.

This maybe the FIRST International Yagna and camp, but like the early tricklings at the source slowly flows down and it is met with by other tributaries feeding it into a mighty river, so too the work gathers its momentum and blesses the generation.

We have already a call to hold the SECOND Inter(national) Camp in Michigan, USA.

Each of you delegates must now spread out and start your own personal sadhana and each must work as best as you can to spread the message of Hinduism as a culture.

I salute you all! You are Lord's own chosen few.


OM Chinmayananda

Hari Om and Namaskaar until the next post


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